Monday, October 21, 2013

Lesson 30 (Monday October 21, 2013) Question 4 of 4

After this exercise, would you consider any improvement on your prototype or product?  If yes, what are the improvements you would make?  How would you go about adding the additional features or functions?  Please discuss, develop, and deploy a project plan consisting of activities and a time line for these improvements.


  1. David, William, Alyssa
    Yes, we will by making different variations of it for a niche market - to attract different kinds of people into buying our products.

  2. Ain, David, SuIn
    Yes, we need to change the placement of the holes, varnish the shells, and find a way to assemble it quickly and efficiently so that the consumers can choose the layout and design of the product and have it made on the spot.

  3. Sothunwath, Manatepy, Sarikahshres
    Yes; we will get better quality raw materials and find out more innovative ways to help people's needs.
